Cats Groups (Caring, Aware, Therapy, Sisterhood)

Our C.A.T.S. groups have the primary aim of creating a safe space in which individuals are able to form relationships and connect with others in order to navigate this neurotypically focussed world.
At Coventry, we don’t see neurodivergence as a problem but having the skills to navigate the neurotypical social world can be a challenge. One way to improve your social skills is through connection with like-minded people who encounter similar experiences and are ready to look at positive ways forward in their lives. This is exactly what we aim to cover during these sessions.
What do we cover?
Discussion topic and activities are agreed and led by the group and can include:
– Special interests
– Identity before and after diagnosis
– To mask or unmask
– Self advocacy and advocating for others
– Energy management
– Anxiety management
– Meltdowns and shut-downs
– Communicating your needs to others
What do the sessions entail?
Not only is each session a space for individuals to share their experiences and thoughts with the group, it also involves various yoga poses and exercises in which assist in calming the nervous system. Adjustments within the yoga space are made for individual bodies, and freedom of choice is respected throughout the entirety of the sessions.
All sessions are also accompanied by our friendly team of cats, who may come and say hello!